2-ingredient dough

This basic 2-ingredient dough recipe is amazing because it can be slightly altered to fit endless recipes. I use it multiple times a week for breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes. It is fluffy, moist, and filling. My favorite part is that it is made with 2-ingredients that are easily available in my house. I love greek yogurt and berries for my day-to-day breakfast so we always have it on hand and then the other ingredient is self-rising flour which is easy to store in the pantry whenever you need it. As I mentioned this is easily altered but here is the stripped-down recipe.

2-ingredient dough

2-ingredient dough

Prep Time 10 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes


  • 1 c flour (+2 tbsp for mixing)
  • 1 c 0% plain greek yogurt 


  1. Pour flour on to mixing surface
  2. Put yogurt on top of the flour
  3. Use a spatula to fold two ingredients together
  4. Once most yogurt is coated in flour, kneed with hands
  5. Add flour as needed
  6. Continue to kneed until dough ball forms

If you need help getting the ingredients to mix properly please visit my youtube page to see a video of how I do it to get a great result every time!

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